macOS 内核与用户态进程的通信前面已经讲解过了,用户态进程间通信较为简单,Apple 官方推荐使用 XPC 机制。XPC 有底层的 C API,也有封装后的上层的 objc 和 swift API,可以实现像调用自身进程的接口一样调用对端的暴露接口。这里以 swift 为例说明 XPC 的代码实现。开源项目 NuwaStone 用户态进程间通信均基于 XPC 实现,更多代码细节可参考该项目。
对外接口及类定义 使用 XPC 需新建两个协议,作为自身进程和对端进程的通信接口,然后新建一个处理 XPC 连接请求的类,注意需继承 NSObject,以便实现 XPC 系统调用所需的代理接口。注意,为了方便 XPCConnection 类是自身进程与对端进程共用的,但部分方法是不能共用的,详细见注释。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 @objc protocol ClientXPCProtocol {} @objc protocol ServerXPCProtocol { func connectResponse (_ handler : @escaping (Bool ) -> Void ) } class XPCConnection : NSObject { static let shared = XPCConnection () var listener: NSXPCListener ? var connection: NSXPCConnection ? private func getMachServiceName (from bundle : Bundle ) -> String { let clientKeys = bundle.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: ClientName ) as? [String : Any ] let machServiceName = clientKeys? [MachServiceKey ] as? String return machServiceName ?? "" } func startListener () { let newListener = NSXPCListener (machServiceName: "your service name" ) newListener.delegate = self newListener.resume() listener = newListener Logger (.Info , "Start XPC listener successfully." ) } func connectToServer (bundle : Bundle , delegate : ClientXPCProtocol , handler : @escaping (Bool ) -> Void ) { guard connection == nil else { Logger (.Info , "Client already connected." ) handler(true ) return } guard getMachServiceName(from: bundle) == ClientBundle else { handler(false ) return } let newConnection = NSXPCConnection (machServiceName: DaemonBundle ) newConnection.exportedObject = delegate newConnection.exportedInterface = NSXPCInterface (with: ClientXPCProtocol .self ) newConnection.remoteObjectInterface = NSXPCInterface (with: DaemonXPCProtocol .self ) connection = newConnection newConnection.resume() let proxy = newConnection.remoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler { error in Logger (.Error , "Failed to connect with error [\(error) ]" ) self .connection? .invalidate() self .connection = nil handler(false ) } as? DaemonXPCProtocol proxy? .connectResponse(handler) } }
XPC 的代码实现是较为简单的,startListener
函数首先需创建连接所用的 Mach 端口,网络资源在 Mac 内核抽象为了 Mach 端口资源,然后设置处理连接请求的代理为自身类,后面需编写请求处理代码以校验对端并建立连接。connectToServer
函数首先判断是否连接已建立,然后简单校验了一下 APP 包名。创建连接对象时需设置自身暴露接口和远程调用接口,设置完成后所调用的connectResponse
XPC 连接请求系统调用代理接口 startListener
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 extension XPCConnection : NSXPCListenerDelegate { func listener (_ listener : NSXPCListener , shouldAcceptNewConnection newConnection : NSXPCConnection ) -> Bool { newConnection.exportedObject = self newConnection.exportedInterface = NSXPCInterface (with: DaemonXPCProtocol .self ) newConnection.remoteObjectInterface = NSXPCInterface (with: ClientXPCProtocol .self ) newConnection.invalidationHandler = { self .connection = nil Logger (.Info , "Client disconnected." ) } newConnection.interruptionHandler = { self .connection = nil Logger (.Info , "Client interrupted." ) } connection = newConnection newConnection.resume() return true }
服务端对外暴露接口 暴露接口根据自己的项目需要自行设计实现就好,但要注意这些接口是无返回值的,毕竟是远程调用,基本也不会需要返回值。这里使用@escaping
1 2 3 4 5 6 extension XPCConnection: DaemonXPCProtocol { func connectResponse(_ handler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) { Logger(.Info, "Client connected.") handler(true) } }